
Medical device testing with Battenberg: Quality assurance for medical devices

The market approval of medical devices places very high requirements for conformity assessments as part of quality assurance and safety. The devices must go through transparent and reproducible tests to document the medical functional records in order to simultaneously meet monitoring and compliance with important compliance standards. During sensor-guided robot movements, the physical device specifications are measured, analyzed, evaluated and documented.

Medical device testing

Use cases

Battenberg Robotic Measuring: Exact measurements for the highest quality standards in medical technology

Final test of a perfusor (syringe pump)
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Alle Anwendungen im Überblick

Für unsere internationale Kunden entwickeln und liefern wir seit über 40 Jahren Messroboter für vertrauensvolle Qualitätsprüfungen ihrer Produkte. Gefordert sind hochpräzises Messen, Analysieren und Bewerten der Produktspezifikationen und Charakteristika.
In der Anwendung werden damit Qualitätsbewertungen und Produktfreigaben im Auditverfahren sicherer und schneller durchgeführt, einhergehend mit erheblichen Kostensenkungen und Wettbewerbsvorteilen.

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Reference customers

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Create added value with solutions from
Battenberg ROBOTIC

“Making tangible product properties measurable and reproducible, a robot that can measure haptic quality characteristics.”

That was the task more than 40 years ago. We have accepted and mastered this challenge. The beginnings of Battenberg measurement robotics have been continuously developed, improved and perfected over the years. The combination of hardware, software and sensors as a basic technology for measuring, testing, analyzing and evaluating products and quality features across the entire product value chain.

Qualitatively reliable, highly precise, reproducible and flexible

High-quality, reliable and repeatable measurement variables for easy comparability, can be flexibly converted to other measurement tasks and measurement techniques thanks to numerous RobFlow© plug-ins.

Consistent experience and a high level of know-how

Almost half a century of experience and existing know-how stands for guaranteed, continuous development. The latest milestones in Battenberg measurement robotics are the RobSimulation software and RobMobil mobile measurement robotics (AMR).

High time and cost savings

Automation in quality testing using reference bodies and prefabricated calibration processes. Work efficiently through virtual offline programming using your own CAD/3D data, time-shifted and location-based measurements and test procedures.

Valued customer service

The satisfaction and smooth functionality of our measurement systems is very important to us. Whether it involves support, sensor calibrations, maintenance and contract measurements, or jointly developments, we are always on the side of our customers.

Range of services

In addition to our after-sales service in measurement technology, which includes sensor calibration and robot maintenance, we also offer rental systems in measurement robotics. Workshops, training, feasibility studies and contract measurements are also part of our comprehensive range of services.

Find out more

Contract Measurements

Sensor Calibration

Robot Maintenance

Feasibility Studies

Battenberg Robotic
Leasing Systems

Battenberg Robotic Workshops

Robotic Measuring Training

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